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OTRoundLFO Max for Live Device

1,100 JPY

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# OTRoundLFO OTRoundLFO is Max for Live Device. It work on Ableton Live 11 or later. This device can generate LFO value by 2 circles movement. The value decide from speed and distance of 2 point on circles. When you dragged UI on The OTRound LFO, Changing value of speed and circle size. If you pressed any key + dragged ui than you can changing circle size. # DEMO On YouTube #How to install below 2 files you have to move to your M4L search path. - index.html - OTRoundLFO.amxd If you UI view break's, please reload button on M4L device. # NINETEEN95 STUDIO you can check here. If you have question, you send mail on ※we only debugged mac osX 13.4.1 on Apple Silicon version.

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